WHAT is Christian Kitesurfers?

We are a young global movement passionate about kitesurfing and sharing the love of Jesus with others.

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WHY Christian Kitesurfers?

HOW we do it?

WHO we are?

WHAT we believe?

We believe in God, eternally existent, being the Origin and Creator of all things – visible and invisible and that Jesus is who he says he is; God the son, the way, the truth and the life.

We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit being the counsellor of God for us and that the Bible is the word of God which testifies to the truth.

We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers hope, salvation and eternal life to everyone and that we are created to live in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. (Love your God – Matt 22:37)

We believe in the power of genuine and loving relationships to connect and engage people through the kite sport and Christian Kitesurfers as a platform. (Love your Neighbour – Matt 22:39)